Monday, December 19, 2016


MMM federal republic of Nigeria has witnessed a devastating phase. The online media bloggers are not resting at all. It seems they are paid or get paid to attack the purported Ponzi scheme.

It should be noted that it is a zero-sum game. The nature of man is manifested in selfish acquisition of wealth with possible painless available availabilities.

It has not crashed yet but any apathy on the side of the participants in future will likely crash the pyramidal gambling.

The early entrants especially the Guilders must have raked in millions of naira. The millions in question are not gains at all, they are people's money. It must continue forever for all the participants to feel secure.

Nigerians were asked to use their spare money! A man whose four tyres are missing will he be thinking of spare? He who has nothing will he be tutored on the need for a saving scheme?

The level of unemployment and governmental irresponsibilites joined hands to push Nigerians that risky far. The participants are roped especially those with frozen marvos!

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