Sunday, June 5, 2022


Does it mean that president Buhari makes friends, especially trustworthy friends only from the north? He believes that he appointed those he can trust. Why is it that his trust has no nationalistic spread? A military general ought to have a cultural mix and after the continued protection of the collective interest of the united and corrupt-free Nigeria. Do we lack sincere and trustworthy Nigerians from the former southern protectorate?

Everyone is now aware that Buhari's recruitment and leadership style promoted corruption and incompetence that he accused Goodluck Jonathan's administration. In the past seven years, Nigeria and Nigerians have witnessed gross leadership failures that have never happened since independence.

At a stage, Nigeria was practically on auto pilot. President Buhari has denied being aware of grave national issues on most occasions to persuade competence in the face of administrative impunity. He lost hold of his executive powers almost at the inception of his administration. Some think that age and ill-health have taken an uneven share of this capacity to function proactively in tackling national leadership lapses. Some Nigerians saw it from another perspective, his nepotic stance on appointments and policy implementations. He also could not hide his religious extremism, favoured people of his religious affiliations and was grossly indifferent to religiously motivated killings, kidnappings such as the Chibok girls, Lear Sharibu and the most recent gruesome murder of Deborah Samuel. 

President Buhari is totally indifferent to the prevalent activities of the unknown gunmen, kidnappings and brazen assassinations happening in the southeastern part of Nigeria where he claims to be the president.

The value of the Nigerian naira has been reduced to that of tissue papers. in Buhari, naira died and politicians now share bribes in dollars. a good and recent example is that of the purported buying of delegates with US Dollars. The activities of EFCC are lopsided, it is now a tool to look for yahoo boys and opposing voices of the government.

The lists of democratic summersaults and brazen administrative impunities of Buhari's Administrations are endless. If the past administration was termed clueless, this outgoing administration of President Buhari is inactive and retrogressive.

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