Sunday, June 5, 2022


 It is the desire of all parents to ensure that their children get quality education,
giving your children's quality education ensures that they achieve their innatepotential and abilities.

 Leading insurance companies in Nigeria, have carefully designed profitable education policies to help parents achieve these priceless goals with ease. It is well crafted to be a shock absorber in the event of unforeseen life challenges such as sponsor's loss of jobs,redundancy and even death.

Most insurance education plan serves as savings plan geared toward financing the future education of a named child in the event of death or permanent disability of a parent/guardian/sponsor. This savings instrument helps in saving up sufficient funds for the child’s desired future education.

Nowadays, payment of school fees is no more child's play. But with a flexible savings plan to assist you with it, school fees responsibility would become easy. That ease and comfort are what you get with insurance education plan which is dedicated to helping you save up for your children’s school fees. Unlike the bank savings, in the event that the policyholder changes address to be with his maker, has a critical illness or sustains an injury owing to an accident within the policy term, there is a free life insurance cover that is payable to policyholders or beneficiary in the event of death to protect and secure the child’s future education funding.

Important benefits of buying a good insurance plan for your children's desired education:

It is a good savings instrument. you will enjoy the joy of having the funds for your children's education kept far away from unpredictable financial risks.

An insurance policy for your children serves as a safety net in case of the demise of the parent or guardian.  In case of death, many education plan covers have provision for monthly or annual maintenance income for the affected children's education and at the maturity of the plan, still, pay the sum assured to the child.

In insurance, permanent disability is mostly treated as death. so if such unplanned circumstances arise, the policy matures , by this, it means that the parent or guardian's children gets paid the target amount.

Some insurance companies do accept and make provision for loss of jobs dues to redundancy.

Remember future is cheap if you are buying into it today.

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