Sunday, June 5, 2022


 It is the desire of all parents to ensure that their children get quality education,
giving your children's quality education ensures that they achieve their innatepotential and abilities.

 Leading insurance companies in Nigeria, have carefully designed profitable education policies to help parents achieve these priceless goals with ease. It is well crafted to be a shock absorber in the event of unforeseen life challenges such as sponsor's loss of jobs,redundancy and even death.

Most insurance education plan serves as savings plan geared toward financing the future education of a named child in the event of death or permanent disability of a parent/guardian/sponsor. This savings instrument helps in saving up sufficient funds for the child’s desired future education.

Nowadays, payment of school fees is no more child's play. But with a flexible savings plan to assist you with it, school fees responsibility would become easy. That ease and comfort are what you get with insurance education plan which is dedicated to helping you save up for your children’s school fees. Unlike the bank savings, in the event that the policyholder changes address to be with his maker, has a critical illness or sustains an injury owing to an accident within the policy term, there is a free life insurance cover that is payable to policyholders or beneficiary in the event of death to protect and secure the child’s future education funding.

Important benefits of buying a good insurance plan for your children's desired education:

It is a good savings instrument. you will enjoy the joy of having the funds for your children's education kept far away from unpredictable financial risks.

An insurance policy for your children serves as a safety net in case of the demise of the parent or guardian.  In case of death, many education plan covers have provision for monthly or annual maintenance income for the affected children's education and at the maturity of the plan, still, pay the sum assured to the child.

In insurance, permanent disability is mostly treated as death. so if such unplanned circumstances arise, the policy matures , by this, it means that the parent or guardian's children gets paid the target amount.

Some insurance companies do accept and make provision for loss of jobs dues to redundancy.

Remember future is cheap if you are buying into it today.


    Does it mean that president Buhari makes friends, especially trustworthy friends only from the north? He believes that he appointed those he can trust. Why is it that his trust has no nationalistic spread? A military general ought to have a cultural mix and after the continued protection of the collective interest of the united and corrupt-free Nigeria. Do we lack sincere and trustworthy Nigerians from the former southern protectorate?

    Everyone is now aware that Buhari's recruitment and leadership style promoted corruption and incompetence that he accused Goodluck Jonathan's administration. In the past seven years, Nigeria and Nigerians have witnessed gross leadership failures that have never happened since independence.

    At a stage, Nigeria was practically on auto pilot. President Buhari has denied being aware of grave national issues on most occasions to persuade competence in the face of administrative impunity. He lost hold of his executive powers almost at the inception of his administration. Some think that age and ill-health have taken an uneven share of this capacity to function proactively in tackling national leadership lapses. Some Nigerians saw it from another perspective, his nepotic stance on appointments and policy implementations. He also could not hide his religious extremism, favoured people of his religious affiliations and was grossly indifferent to religiously motivated killings, kidnappings such as the Chibok girls, Lear Sharibu and the most recent gruesome murder of Deborah Samuel. 

    President Buhari is totally indifferent to the prevalent activities of the unknown gunmen, kidnappings and brazen assassinations happening in the southeastern part of Nigeria where he claims to be the president.

    The value of the Nigerian naira has been reduced to that of tissue papers. in Buhari, naira died and politicians now share bribes in dollars. a good and recent example is that of the purported buying of delegates with US Dollars. The activities of EFCC are lopsided, it is now a tool to look for yahoo boys and opposing voices of the government.

    The lists of democratic summersaults and brazen administrative impunities of Buhari's Administrations are endless. If the past administration was termed clueless, this outgoing administration of President Buhari is inactive and retrogressive.

    Monday, December 19, 2016


    MMM federal republic of Nigeria has witnessed a devastating phase. The online media bloggers are not resting at all. It seems they are paid or get paid to attack the purported Ponzi scheme.

    It should be noted that it is a zero-sum game. The nature of man is manifested in selfish acquisition of wealth with possible painless available availabilities.

    It has not crashed yet but any apathy on the side of the participants in future will likely crash the pyramidal gambling.

    The early entrants especially the Guilders must have raked in millions of naira. The millions in question are not gains at all, they are people's money. It must continue forever for all the participants to feel secure.

    Nigerians were asked to use their spare money! A man whose four tyres are missing will he be thinking of spare? He who has nothing will he be tutored on the need for a saving scheme?

    The level of unemployment and governmental irresponsibilites joined hands to push Nigerians that risky far. The participants are roped especially those with frozen marvos!

    Wednesday, September 9, 2015

    Migrant crisis: Asylum seekers, Economic migrants or terrorist expansions?

    Global news is decorated with surprises.  It surprises the surprised minds that some of the asylum seekers have countries of choice. I hope the European countries that have as a matter of dignity and compassion, decided to accommodate the surging asylum seekers , will handle the crisis without causing unsupposed harms. They will be confronted with distinguishing between asylum seekers and migrants including pockets of die hard terrorists that hang the world on her throat.
    This calls for an international supports to end war in Syria and other volatile regions in Africa.  All loose if one suffers.

    ISIS a stronghold of confusing annihilation, religion is to be preached not a willy nilly affairs else it becomes naked terror.

    "He would always tell us: Forget your father and your brothers. We have killed them. And we have married off your mothers and sisters. Forget them."
    CNN news
    Adapted from CNN today on ISIS.

    Wednesday, September 11, 2013

    Oil and greed; oil has oiled wars,lubricated and continues to smoothen corruptions all over the world, excuse me! Is there oil in Syria? Oil could be used as a scientific tool in determining the actions and inactions of world leaders.

    The Secret of the Seven Sisters
    Last updated : 26 April 2013
    A four- part series that reveals how a
    secret pact formed a cartel that controls
    the world 's oil .
    On August 28, 1928, in the Scottish
    highlands, began the secret story of oil .
    Three men had an appointment at
    Achnacarry Castle - a Dutchman , an
    American and an Englishman .
    The Dutchman was Henry Deterding, a
    man nicknamed the Napoleon of Oil ,
    having exploited a find in Sumatra . He
    joined forces with a rich ship owner and
    painted Shell salesman and together the
    two men founded Royal Dutch Shell .
    The American was Walter C . Teagle and he
    represents the Standard Oil Company,
    founded by John D. Rockefeller at the age
    of 31 - the future Exxon. Oil wells ,
    transport , refining and distribution of oil -
    everything is controlled by Standard oil .
    The Englishman , Sir John Cadman , was the
    director of the Anglo - Persian oil Company ,
    soon to become BP . On the initiative of a
    young Winston Churchill , the British
    government had taken a stake in BP and
    the Royal Navy switched its fuel from coal
    to oil . With fuel - hungry ships, planes and
    tanks , oil became "the blood of every
    The new automobile industry was
    developing fast , and the Ford T was selling
    by the million . The world was thirsty for
    oil , and companies were waging a
    merciless contest but the competition was
    making the market unstable .
    That August night , the three men decided
    to stop fighting and to start sharing out
    the world 's oil . Their vision was that
    production zones , transport costs, sales
    prices - everything would be agreed and
    shared . And so began a great cartel,
    whose purpose was to dominate the
    world, by controlling its oil .
    Four others soon joined them , and they
    came to be known as the Seven Sisters -
    the biggest oil companies in the world .
    In the first episode, we travel across the
    Middle East, through both time and space .
    "We waged the Iran -Iraq war and I say
    we waged it, because one country had
    to be used to destroy the other. As
    they already benefit from the oil
    bonanza, and they’ re building up
    financal reserves , from time to time
    they have to be bled ."
    - Xavier Houzel, an oil trader
    Throughout the region 's modern history,
    since the discovery of oil , the Seven
    Sisters have sought to control the balance
    of power .
    They have supported monarchies in Iran
    and Saudi Arabia , opposed the creation of
    OPEC, profiting from the Iran -Iraq war,
    leading to the ultimate destruction of
    Saddam Hussein and Iraq.
    The Seven Sisters were always present ,
    and almost always came out on top .
    Since that notorious meeting at
    Achnacarry Castle on August 28, 1928 ,
    they have never ceased to plot, to plan
    and to scheme .
    At the end of the 1960s, the Seven
    Sisters, the major oil companies ,
    controlled 85 percent of the world' s oil
    reserves. Today, they control just 10
    percent .
    New hunting grounds are therefore
    required, and the Sisters have turned
    their gaze towards Africa. With peak oil ,
    wars in the Middle East , and the rise in
    crude prices, Africa is the oil companies '
    new battleground.
    "Everybody thought there could be oil
    in Sudan but nobody knew anything . It
    was revealed through exploration by
    the American company Chevron,
    towards the end of the 70s. And that
    was the beginning of the second civil
    war, which went on until 2002 . It
    lasted for 19 years and cost a million
    and a half lives and the oil business
    was at the heart of it ."
    - Gerard Prunier, a historian
    But the real story, the secret story of oil ,
    begins far from Africa .
    In their bid to dominate Africa , the Sisters
    installed a king in Libya , a dictator in
    Gabon, fought the nationalisation of oil
    resources in Algeria, and through
    corruption, war and assassinations ,
    brought Nigeria to its knees.
    Oil may be flowing into the holds of huge
    tankers, but in Lagos, petrol shortages are
    The country 's four refineries are obsolete
    and the continent' s main oil exporter is
    forced to import refined petrol - a paradox
    that reaps fortunes for a handful of oil
    companies .
    Encouraged by the companies , corruption
    has become a system of government -
    some $ 50bn are estimated to have
    'disappeared ' out of the $ 350 bn received
    since independence .
    But new players have now joined the
    great oil game.
    China, with its growing appetite for
    energy, has found new friends in Sudan,
    and the Chinese builders have moved in .
    Sudan's President Omar al -Bashir is proud
    of his co -operation with China - a dam on
    the Nile, roads , and stadiums.
    In order to export 500 ,000 barrels of oil a
    day from the oil fields in the South -
    China financed and built the Heglig
    pipeline connected to Port Sudan - now
    South Sudan's precious oil is shipped
    through North Sudan to Chinese ports .
    In a bid to secure oil supplies out of Libya ,
    the US , the UK and the Seven Sisters
    made peace with the once shunned
    Colonel Muammar Gaddafi, until he was
    killed during the Libyan uprising of 2011,
    but the flow of Libyan oil remains
    In need of funds for rebuilding, Libya is
    now back to pumping more than a million
    barrels of oil per day. And the Sisters are
    happy to oblige.
    In the Caucasus, the US and Russia are
    vying for control of the region . The great
    oil game is in full swing. Whoever controls
    the Caucasus and its roads, controls the
    transport of oil from the Caspian Sea .
    Tbilisi, Erevan and Baku - the three
    capitals of the Caucasus. The oil from
    Baku in Azerbaijan is a strategic priority
    for all the major companies .
    From the fortunes of the Nobel family to
    the Russian revolution , to World War II , oil
    from the Caucasus and the Caspian has
    played a central role. Lenin fixated on
    conquering the Azeri capital Baku for its
    oil , as did Stalin and Hitler.
    On his birthday in 1941, Adolf Hitler
    received a chocolate and cream birthday
    cake, representing a map . He chose the
    slice with Baku on it .
    On June 22nd 1941, the armies of the
    Third Reich invaded Russia . The crucial
    battle of Stalingrad was the key to the
    road to the Caucasus and Baku’ s oil , and
    would decide the outcome of the war .
    Stalin told his troops : "Fighting for one ’ s
    oil is fighting for one ’ s freedom . "
    After World War II, President Nikita
    Krushchev would build the Soviet empire
    and its Red Army with revenues from the
    USSR’ s new - found oil reserves .
    Decades later , oil would bring that empire
    to its knees, when Saudi Arabia and the
    US would conspire to open up the oil taps ,
    flood the markets, and bring the price of
    oil down to $ 13 per barrel. Russian
    oligarchs would take up the oil mantle,
    only to be put in their place by their
    president, Vladimir Putin, who knows that
    oil is power .
    The US and Putin ‘ s Russia would prop up
    despots, and exploit regional conflicts to
    maintain a grip on the oil fields of the
    Caucusus and the Caspian .
    But they would not have counted on the
    rise of a new , strong and hungry China,
    with an almost limitless appetite for oil
    and energy. Today, the US , Russia and
    China contest the control of the former
    USSR’ s fossil fuel reserves , and the supply
    routes. A three- handed match , with the
    world as spectators, between three
    ferocious beasts – The American eagle ,
    the Russian bear , and the Chinese dragon.
    Peak oil – the point in time at which the
    highest rate of oil extraction has been
    reached, and after which world production
    will start decline . Many geologists and the
    International Energy Agency say the
    world's crude oil output reached its peak
    in 2006.
    But while there may be less oil coming
    out of the ground, the demand for it is
    definitely on the rise.
    The final episode of this series explores
    what happens when oil becomes more
    and more inaccessible, while at the same
    time, new powers like China and India try
    to fulfill their growing energy needs.
    And countries like Iran, while suffering
    international sanctions , have welcomed
    these new oil buyers , who put business
    ahead of lectures on human rights and
    nuclear ambitions.
    At the same time , oil -producing countries
    have had enough with the Seven Sisters
    controlling their oil assets . Nationalisation
    of oil reserves around the world has
    ushered in a new generation of oil
    companies all vying for a slice of the oil
    These are the new Seven Sisters.
    Saudi Arabia 's Saudi Aramco , the largest
    and most sophisticated oil company in the
    world; Russia 's Gazprom , a company that
    Russia' s President Vladimir Putin wrested
    away from the oligarchs ; The China
    National Petroleum Corporation ( CNPC ),
    which , along with its subsidiary ,
    Petrochina , is the world' s secnd largest
    company in terms of market value ; The
    National Iranian Oil Company, which has a
    monopoly on exploration, extraction ,
    transportation and exportation of crude oil
    in Iran – OPEC's second largest oil
    producer after Saudi Arabia ; Venezuela 's
    PDVSA, a company the late president
    Hugo Chavez dismantled and rebuilt into
    his country' s economic engine and part of
    his diplomatic arsenal ; Brazil's Petrobras , a
    leader in deep water oil production, that
    pumps out 2 million barrels of crude oil a
    day; and Malaysia 's Petronas - Asia 's most
    profitable company in 2012.
    Mainly state -owned , the new Seven
    Sisters control a third of the world 's oil
    and gas production, and more than a third
    of the world 's reserves . The old Seven
    Sisters, by comparison , produce a tenth of
    the world 's oil , and control only three
    percent of the reserves .
    The balance has shifted.